Cafe,  Gourmet,  kamakura

[鎌倉] 隣接されたカフェが素敵!たまには美術館でのんびり


展示もさることながらこのミュージアムの建築物が美しい。建造物好きならきっと好きになると思います。この建物は、建築家 板倉準三さんによって手掛けられました。板倉準三さんは、岐阜県に生まれ現東京大学で美術史を学んだのち1929年にフランスに渡りました。20世紀建築の巨匠ル・コルビジェに師事し、パリ万国博覧会で日本館を手掛け建築部門でグランプリを受賞し国際的に高いを評価を受けた人です。ぜひ展示だけじゃなく建築物もチェックしてみてください


Do you know the “Kamakura Bunkakan Tsuruoka Museum” in the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine in Kamakura? At the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, you can see the signboard of the museum on the right side. The museum now presents the history of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, the spiritual source of the samurai, with valuable materials and images from September 7, 2019 to December 29, 2019. It is. If you know the history and look at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, you will see something different.

The museum’s architecture is beautiful as well as exhibits. If you are a building lover, you will definitely like it. This building was designed by architect Junzo Itakura. Junzo Itakura was born in Gifu Prefecture and studied art history at the University of Tokyo before moving to France in 1929. He studied under the master of 20th century architecture Le Corbusier, worked at the Japan Pavilion at the Paris World Exposition and won the Grand Prix in the Architecture category, and received international acclaim. Please check not only the exhibition but also the building

After enjoying the museum, we recommend lunch at the cafe next door! This cafe is decorated with a real large ginkgo tree, the sacred tree of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. A nice cafe where you can relax in a very calm space. In addition to latte and coffee drinks, the menu offers baguette sandwiches and Japanese sweets. Also here!

午前10時 ― 午後4時30分(入館は午後4時まで)
■休館日 月曜日
■住所 〒248-0005 神奈川県鎌倉市雪ノ下2-1-53
■電話 0467-55-9030

■ Opening hours  10:00 am-4:30 pm (entry until 4 pm)
■ Closed Monday
■ Address 2-1-53 Yukinoshita, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture 248-0005
■ Phone 0467-55-9030
