さらに歩き進めていくと、階段や江ノ島エスカー(エスカレータ)を使って江ノ島のメインシンボル「シーキャンドル」や「サムエルコッキング苑」 に行くことができる。シーキャンドルは展望台になっていて江ノ島周辺のすばらしい眺望を堪能できます。サムエルコッキング苑は、明治時代の英国人貿易商「サムエル・コッキング」に由来した和洋折衷で南国ムード溢れる植物園。四季折々様々な花や植物を楽しめる。その他「岩屋」という洞窟やレトロなカフェ、かながわの景勝地に選ばれている稚児ヶ淵などがあり、一日いても飽きない魅力的な場所。
Enoshima is a land connection island that walks from Odakyu Line Katase-Enoshima Station or Enoshima Station towards Katase Coast and crosses Enoshima Ohashi Bridge.
As soon as you cross the bridge, you will find an array of seafood food shops.
Tako rice crackers in Benten Nakamise Street are especially popular as they can be lined up any time. Enoshima specialties with 2-3 whole octopus dumplings.
If you walk past there, you will see Enoshima Shrine. It is one of Japan’s three major financial assets. As a god who brings happiness and treasure and has the merits of performing arts promotion, it is being called to this day. As you walk further, you can use the stairs and escalators to go to Enoshima’s main symbol “Sea Candle” and “Samuel Cocking garden”. Sea Candle is an observation deck and you can enjoy the wonderful view around Enoshima.
Samuel Cocking is a Japanese-Western eclectic stemming from the Meiji era British trader “Samuel Cocking” A botanical garden full of southern country mood. You can enjoy various flowers and plants every season. In addition, there are caves and retro cafes and scenic spot in Kanagawa It’s full of fascinating spots that you won’t get bored with.

Landscape seen from the observation deck


Sunset at Enoshima